Hi, I'm Devansh, a final-year CS student at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
I often describe myself as creative problem solver who enjoys working on difficult problems that have a real-world impact. Typically, this involves using technology, math, or algorithms in some way, but I'm always open to new ideas.
After graduation, I'm going to join Optiver as a Quantitative Trader.
Previously, I've interned at:
- Optiver (Quantitative Trader Intern)
- Ailytics (Software Engineering Intern)
- Screening Eagle (Backend Engineering Intern)
- Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organisations (Software Engineering Intern)
Right now, I am:
- working on my final-year project
- reading books that I've always wanted to, but didn't have the time to.
- enjoying my final year at NUS
In NUS, I have:
- been part of NUS Hackers (Coreteam), StartIT (President) and CVWO (President)
- taught Algorithms (3x), Algorithms, Programming, Discrete Structures, Software Engineering, and Algorithms as a teaching assistant.
In high school, I used to:
- lead the student council as Head Boy (2021) and Deputy Head Boy (2020) and . . . and House Captain (2015)
- start new initiatives like the school's first conference event (GIIS Conference 2019), and peer-teaching program
- organize and take part in Model United Nations (MUN) events
- be part of the school's badminton team (2014-2019)
- care too much about grades (enough to be awarded every academic award there was to achieve)
You can find me on: